Series 6

The Independant: Day of the Moon Reveiw

Having set up an interesting cliffhanger last week, it was a tad annoying that   Steven Moffat did his trick again of taking a swerve with the pre-credits   section of this week’s episode, and more supposed shock value with the   shootings of Amy and Rory.

It was even more annoying that what exactly was going on here, and how it was   influenced by the events of the previous episode, were never exactly   explained, leaving the audience to fill in the blanks.

As arguably what happened in Florida could explain the Doctor’s motives   towards the Silence, which lacked total consistency apart from if they were   all part of some genocidal masterplan against them, this was not the   cleverest bit of writing by Moffat.

Indeed apart from a blink-and-you-missed it flashback and a throwaway line   from Amy apologising to the mysterious girl for shooting at her and being   glad she missed, there was nothing to indicate how events last week ended,   and what was going on this week only raised more questions than answers.

For example, I presume that the mysterious markings on Amy, River and Rory   were a tally count of meetings with the Silence, but as this was never   explained it can only remain as that, rather than a solid affirmation, and   there was probably too much of this sort of thing going on this week.

Indeed, Day of the Moon is clearly aimed as an instalment in an over-arching   storyline, but it seems this is a storyline that will require the audience’s   concentration over many weeks; any casual viewer tuning in this week, and I   suspect not a few fans, will have been left baffled by the goings-on.

Who is the woman in the eye-patch who appeared fleetingly in a hallucination   of some form at a door? What exactly is Amy’s pregnancy state? Who is the   girl, what is her connection with Amy, and why does she appear to regenerate   at the end of the episode?

Yes, the episode was interesting and showed just how, when the writers use   their imagination, Doctor Who can tell stories in a way little else on   television can.

But by leaving so much unresolved it is very hard to take a firm view on this   episode until the series as a whole pans out, making it a distinct departure   from the generally self-contained stories of recent years.

– Gavin Fuller is a Doctor Who expert and lifelong fan. In 1993 he became   the youngest ever champion of Mastermind, with Doctor Who as his specialist   subject.

Matt Smith as the Doctor. Photo: BBC

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